PowerShell is based on reusable libraries containing functions known as cmdlets (pronounced command lets). Cmdlets have names which follow the convention of a common verb followed by a noun. For example, the built-in PowerShell libraries provide a cmdlet named Get-Process which returns a collection of objects representing the Windows processes running on the current machine.
PS D:\Users\Administrator> Get-Process
Handles NPM(K) PM(K) WS(K) VM(M) CPU(s) Id ProcessName
------- ------ ----- ----- ----- ------ -- -----------
400 45 217700 223408 461 299.30 5172 Acrobat
80 10 1696 5188 72 0.03 5520 acrotray
66 9 1632 4712 68 0.03 1780 Adobelm_Cleanup.0001
66 9 1636 4672 68 0.03 6100 Adobelm_Cleanup.0001
54 7 1104 3060 28 0.00 5176 Adobelmsvc
41 4 1012 2508 15 0.00 1692 AESTSr64
48 6 2136 4972 54 0.73 1680 conhost
31 4 928 2392 22 0.00 4468 conhost
Pipelining in an important concept to understand when executing cmdlets. The basic idea is that every cmdlets returns an object or a collection of objects. Pipelining allows you to take the results of one cmdlets and pass it to a second cmdlet. The second cmdlets can run and then pass its results to a third cmdlets and so on. You create a pipeline by typing a sequence of cmdlets separated by the | (pipe) character.
cmdlet1 | cmdlet2 | cmdlet3
if (dir | where {$_.length –gt 10kb}) {
“There were files longer than 10kb”
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